The Egyptian Space Agency  (EgSA) is an Egyptian public economic authority established in August 2019, with a legal personality, and affiliated with the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Established by the Law No. 3 of 2018 which aims to create, and transfer space technology development, localization, and own self-capabilities to build & launch satellites from Egyptian territory. Egyptian Space Agency is open to cooperation and integration with all parties from inside and outside, in a manner that realizes the activation of space technology for the benefit of Egyptian society and progress.


Egypt is a responsible user of outer space having the ability to carry out outer space missions serving its national development and security objectives and competent of being an active member in global space initiatives. Egypt will be capable of carrying out deep space missions to explore and use space resources.


To promote the peaceful use of space, develop space systems at the national level through investment in human capital development, leveraging the space industry for a sustainable future, support research and development, drive innovations, enhance space outreach, and developing of reliable, responsive, and viable economical solutions to serve the national objectives


The main objective of the EgSA Educational program is to Investment In People (IIP) to graduate a generation of specialists, engineers, and scientists with a high degree of competence to serve Egyptian space activities, thus achieving leadership for Egypt in the various fields of space technology.

EgSA’s educational program provides various kinds of educational activities according to the educational level of the students:

  • Pre-university students, such as CanSat workshops and CubeSat workshops

  • Undergraduate students, such as summer training and educational kit satellite

  • postgraduate activities such as master scholarship, and online Space Technology Portal